Julia Goodman

Residency: July 6 - September 6, 2009 at JB Blunk Studio



For larger view, click on image.

Amanuensis I, 2009


24" x 24"

Untitled, 2009


23.25" x 42.25"


Julia Goodman describes her papermaking work as: “a study in how we fall apart, expose our hearts, heal, and come back together. By gathering discarded fabrics, I seek to bring into relief the invisible, essential work of historical and contemporary women through my sculptural pieces. I tear, pulp, and press these fabrics into hand carved molds and found surfaces to create textures that refuse to be printed on. Without the addition of any pigments or dyes, I make new color pulps by mixing two or more differently colored pulped fabrics. I work with the pulped fabrics inside my studio and outside against built structures. In my studio, I work slowly and intricately creating entangled and expanding shapes. Outside, I press pulp from interior worlds against exterior surfaces, brick walls, and concrete. The soft private materials absorb and lift small fragments off of the more permanent surfaces, changing the hard-public surfaces slowly overtime. My work rejects flatness and gives volume to women’s labor, interdependence, and grief. Through working with handmade paper, I invite contemplation of cycles of love and loss that mark our lives.”

Goodman's work has been exhibited throughout the U.S., including California, Washington, D.C., and Illinois. She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and she lives and works in Berkeley, California.
